In the spirit of international collaboration and exchange of knowledge, conservation professionals engaged with the #AskAConservator hashtag and answered questions about their practice, expertise and projects.
Investing in preventive conservation that focuses on long-term preservation and minimising deterioration is one of the most cost-effective ways to safeguard cultural heritage for future generations
Conservation supports healthier and longer lives and contributes to the wellbeing of
communities by facilitating meaningful engagement with our cultural heritage
Conservation preserves cultural heritage, facilitating public access and enjoyment and
enabling cultural heritage to maximise its economic and social value
Conservation contributes to cultural diplomacy and soft power through the sector’s
international reputation and its support of world-leading industries
Cultural heritage can be an accessible resource for communicating climate change, empowering people to confront the challenge and inspiring more sustainable lifestyles
Icon sets out why investment in cultural heritage and conservation is vital for economic growth, the wellbeing of people and the UK's international competitiveness