#AskAConservator Day

In the spirit of international collaboration and exchange of knowledge, conservation professionals engaged with the #AskAConservator hashtag and answered questions about their practice, expertise and projects.

19 Nov 2020

On 18 November, Icon was joined on Twitter by Icon member and Siobhan Barrat ACR, who answered questions on our behalf as a specialist. Siobhan is an accredited Preventive conservator - she has worked for the National Trust for the last 20 years, and prior to that she was a freelance Book and Paper conservator.  

Drawing from her expertise, Siobhan answered questions from members of the public on what to use when repairing a paper book cover, or how to preserve an old family notebook. But the questions on the day varied widely: from “what would be your dream object to work on?” to questions about treating materials that raise ethical questions. 

To see Siobhan’s answers to these questions and other interesting discussions that took place on the day, go here for Icon’s tweets and check out the #AskAConservator hashtag. 

This is the second year in which #AskAConservator Day took place in remembrance of the flooding of Florence on 4th November 1966, which damaged priceless cultural heritage. On #AskAConservator Day, we celebrate the growth of the field inspired by the response to the flood, by raising awareness of conservation.

Icon members are the heart of the conservation sector. We’re here to make a positive change for the things we value – so get involved and help us take this forward!

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