Advertising Vacancies with Icon

Vacancies are hosted on the Job board on the Icon website, and are sent directly to our members through our weekly Iconnect Jobs bulletin


The only way to ensure your conservation sector job advertisement lands directly in the inboxes of the largest pool of conservation sector professionals around


Each weekly edition of Iconnect Jobs reaches more than 2,000 conservation sector professionals, academics and students, material and equipment suppliers, and allied professionals. Word of mouth will spread far and wide, boosted by cross-promotion on the job board on the Icon website, social media feeds and LinkedIn profile.  

Don’t leave your recruitment up to chance. Speak directly to the audience you need – and harness your best chances to find the best candidate for the role you’ve got going.  

Ask about our special discounts for Icon members! 

All prices are exclusive of VAT.


Job type  


Call for Tenders  


Salaried role  






Voluntary role


Work Experience * 



*Work experience defined as a work placement with a maximum duration of 2 weeks.  



To advertise a vacancy with Icon, please download and complete the booking form below, and email the form together with the text for the advert to [email protected] Your advert needs to include salary, contract type, location and application deadline.



The deadline for receiving an advertisement for inclusion in the Iconnect Jobs bulletin sent out weekly on Friday mornings is 5pm on Wednesday.


Please note that we must list salaries. Icon’s 2022 Conservation Salaries Survey identified that the average salaries across the conservation profession are:

  • Early career: £26,346

  • Mid-career: £32,333

  • Senior Professionals: £37,925

Icon believes these should be the minimum salary expectations. We would strongly advocate for fair levels of remuneration that are in line with those expected by a highly skilled and technical profession. If job adverts are placed on the Icon website with salary levels that fall below these benchmarks, we will place a banner on the advert. The banner will read: “The salary for this role falls below the average pay for a position at this level as identified by Icon’s 2022 Conservation Salaries Survey”.

Based on Icon's conservation salary benchmarking, we recommend these to be the starting point for salaries: Early career - £28,491; Mid-career - £35,000; Senior Professionals - £46,125. Find out more about Icon's conservation salary benchmarking here.


For further information please contact [email protected] 

Check out our advice for employers here.


Download our Advertising Rate Card below or find out more about where else you can advertise with Icon here

Icon Advertising Rate Card 2023.pdf