Deadline approaching - Anna Plowden/ Clothworkers' Foundation CPD Grants for Icon24, and other CPD events
The Anna Plowden Trust was established in 1998 in memory of Anna Plowden who was a pioneering conservator in the private sector. The Trust supports the development of skills in conservation and raises awareness of conservation.
The Anna Plowden Trust Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Grants enable conservators practising in the UK to take advantage of CPD opportunities by contributing towards the cost of short courses and attending conferences.
Thanks to a major partnership with The Clothworkers' Foundation, they have much increased funding available for CPD grants. The Plowden/Clothworkers' Foundation CPD Grants can be awarded for up to £1,000 or 50% (whichever is the smaller amount) of the cost of the conference or training course.
The application deadline is rapidly approaching on 8 April 2024. The application form is available on the Anna Plowden Trust website.
Please note that conservation students, PhD students and interns are NOT eligible to apply for a CPD grant.
The grant can support conservators in attending either in-person or online CPD events. Why not consider applying to support your attendance at Icon24 which is taking place on 2nd and 3rd July at the Royal Geographical Society in London!