How to plan an Icon event • How to submit your event and request an Iconnect • Recording Consent Form for event speakers
Events are the lifeblood of Icon's Groups and Networks!
The provision of high quality, affordable and accessible training for conservators is a key strategic activity for Icon, and Icon Groups and Networks and Icon’s Professional Development Team regularly organise training events to support the professional development of Icon members and non-members alike.
Here you can find some guidance on what you need to do to organise and deliver events for Icon members:
Planning an event can be made easy if you visualise all that needs to be done as a series of stages.
Firstly, consider the purpose of your event. What are your objectives, and who is the target audience for this? Do you have any evidence to indicate how likely your target audience will be to engage with your event?
Secondly, consider your objectives in relation to Icon's Professional Standards. What Professional Standards are reinforced by the event? This will help to underscore how attending the event will benefit your target audience - and encourage them to book.
Icon's event brief template will help you plan the event outline and identify the actions required from here, but prior to this it's a good idea to review upcoming Icon events on the website. If there are similar events in the pipeline already, you'll be fighting to attract the same people - not ideal!
Also make sure your intended dates to not conflict with any other events that might already be up and running - and have attracted the same people you'll be inviting to attend your event at the same time.
The initial planning stage is the most important part of organising your training event. The Event Brief Template is a useful way to ensure you have covered everything you need. As you start planning your event you need to identify a topic or theme for the event and confirm the outcomes you would like to achieve. A good starting point is to identify:
A budget for each event should be prepared at the planning stage to ensure that your event can run effectively and to inform the ticket pricing structure that you choose to adopt.
Events should be budgeted to at least break even and ideally make a small surplus. There may be sponsorship or grants available, however all groups must inform the Icon team prior to making any approaches.
Venue hire
The venue costs are the total cost of hiring the training room as well as any AV or IT equipment and or other requirements supplied by the venue.
The hire of rooms and other facilities which are used just for training/education purposes should be VAT exempt, although you may find that some venues do charge VAT irrespective of the use. Some venues have special forms to certify that the facilities are to be used exclusively for training/education which you many need to fill in.
Other venue charges, including refreshments, will have VAT charged at the standard rate. Make sure you check if VAT is included in any of your quoted costs – if you are going to have to pay VAT then make sure you include it in the budget calculations.
Some venues offer special rates for registered charities, so it is always worth asking if there is a discount for a registered charity.
There are some venues which will not charge separate room hire and refreshment costs but instead will have a per person rate incorporating these elements. This means you will not have venue fixed costs but instead a higher per person rate in your variable costs section.
If your venue is charging on this basis, you should also include the cost of a delegate fee for speakers/session leaders and training officer.
Online event platforms
All groups have access to Icon's shared Zoom Account. This supports 'meetings' of up to 100 participants, and up to 500 delegates as a 'webinar'. If you are planning on using any alternative platform you must include these costs.
A full day event will normally require you to provide refreshments and lunch. Sometimes it is quoted as an inclusive cost for all venue facilities (in which case there will be no venue cost included in the fixed costs section of the budget). Please note all catering must be vegitarian by default.
Equipment and materials
Occasionally you may have to hire a piece of equipment or material which the venue cannot supply or is required for an online training session. Try and get a reliable quote for these costs early on although sometimes you can make an informed estimate after researching potential suppliers. Make sure that VAT is included in any quote or estimate.
Speaker fees
It is expected that you will invite them to propose a fee.
Icon would expect any speaker delivering a workshop or formal training session to be paid at least £150 for thier services. However there is no limit to what can be charged, provided it can be accounted for in the event budget.
Speaker fees should be included as a fixed cost plus any travel and subsistence required. If they wish to attend the full event, you can include this as a benefit to help you negotiate the fee.
Some speakers will happily offer their services on a pro bono basis and should not be charged to attend the full event.
Event organiser costs
It would be expected that organisers attend the event at no cost. However this will of course depend on the event - for example it would be inappropriate for a free place to be offered for an in-depth workshop which has a significant fee associated with it.
Training events held at venues need to be insured to cover any possible liabilities. Small events are covered by Icon’s normal insurance policy but if you are planning a conference with over 100 delegates, please contact [email protected] for advice.
Contingency and card fees
The contingency is an additional 10% which is added to the actual cost per participant to help cover any unforeseen expenditure or overspend.
The additional 4% will cover this administrative cost to Icon for card payments.
To make sure that the event breaks even or makes a slight surplus, the break even event fee needs to be calculated to produce the Icon member rate.
If 'Student' rates are offered, they would normally pay around 80% of the standard price. Students who are not members must pay the non-member rate.
The fee for non-members should be 20% higher or £10 whichever is the greater, rounded up to the nearest £5.
If the event is free to members, then non-members should be charged at least £10. An exception to this principle would be when an external funder makes free or reduced cost participation a condition of their grant.
Early bird reductions can be offered, particularly for large conferences where there are significant upfront costs for venues, catering etc. The purposes of early bird discounts are:
Payment is taken when an event is booked.
Attendance can be cancelled any time up to 1 working day before the event. Refunds will be made based on:
Cancelled 4 weeks or more before event – full refund
Cancelled less than 4 weeks before event – 50% refund
Cancelled less than 2 weeks before event – no refund
Attendees can transfer their booking to another person any time up to 1 working day before the event.
When a booking is transferred to another person who would normally pay more than the original delegate, then the balance will be payable at the time of arranging the transfer. Refunds will not be paid if the transfer is to a person who would normally pay less than the original attender.
All refunds and transfers will be handled by Icon staff.
Only paid delegates will be eligible to receive the recording of an event.
No group may approach any sponsor or enter into a formal arrangement with a sponsor without the express permission of the Head of Skills.
Some companies are willing to sponsor an Icon event to associate their name with the conservation profession. This sponsorship can be a financial contribution or in kind. Sponsorship can have a significant effect on the overall delegate fee for your event.
In return for sponsorship most companies will want a return- this may be having their logo on the programme, a leaflet in the delegate pack or maybe exhibition space at the venue.
Sponsorship is a business contract and is subject to VAT. Once terms have been agreed with the sponsor, your Treasurer should ask [email protected] to issue a VAT invoice. Overseas sponsors may be zero rated for VAT.
This section includes advice on creating an event which fosters diversity, inclusion and accessibility. It is not a definitive guide, but should be used as a starting point, in ensuring the ability of all attendees to participate meaningfully in the event and benefit from it.
Events and conferences provide opportunities for professional development, networking and knowledge sharing, therefore if events are not designed in an inclusive manner, they risk reinforcing or accelerating inequalities.
Although we realise that event organisers often have limited funding and time available, with factors such as venue cost often being a main driver of selection, it is necessary to consider accessibility and inclusion. This is both as a legal obligation, to provide reasonable adjustments ensuring events are accessible to those with disabilities, and to guarantee we meet one of our key values ‘to value diversity and ensure that opportunities are open to all those who want to care for our heritage’.
Collect feedback on the event, including information on accessibility and inclusivity. Use this feedback to continue to improve your events
The event requires an appointed facilitator on the day of the event to make sure everything runs to plan and to deal with any problems which may arise on the day.
Before the start The facilitator needs to be at your venue around 45 minutes to an hour before the advertised start time for registration – remember some delegates will probably turn up early.
Zoom set up should include a 30 minute buffer upfront to check connections.
You will need to carry out the following activities and checks before the registration process begins:
Once your speakers have signed in you should show them the set up of the room/Zoom connection and explain how the AV/IT system works. Remind them of the length of their session and whether or not it includes questions. Check that they are happy to take questions at the end of their session. You should tell them that you will give them a signal 5 minutes before the end of their session to help the programme run to time.
At the start of the day the facilitator or the chair of the event is responsible for the welcome. This should cover:
During the event
The chair or facilitator should introduce each speaker before their session. Give their name, their organisation or office and the title of their talk or workshop. After each talk you should thank the speakers and then ask for any questions and select delegates wishing to ask questions.
Arrange to give each speaker a 5 minute warning of the end of their allotted time to help keep your programme running to time.
End of the day
At the end of the day you should:
Follow the instructions below and submit your event at
Icon's Groups and Networks benefit from access to a webinar platform which is free to use for all Group and Network events. To gain access, liaise with the Membership Officer.
For advice on how to run effective heritage webinars, see this video prepared by Charity Digital.
For how to start a Zoom Webinar or Meeting, see the video below.
If you are planning to record the event, you need to have your presenters sign a consent form where they agree to be recorded. Icon's template can be found below.
Don’t miss your chance to recruit more members to bolster your hand and keep interested people involved with us!
Just drop in one of these handy slides at the beginning or end of your event Powerpoint presentation, and if possible close with a few words encouraging events attendees to join and get involved.
There is often substantial demand for postprints, particularly after larger conferences and symposium - and these can often provide a worthwhile legacy for such events that can help funders to recognise the value of support for the event, either for individual delegates or as an opportunity for sponsorship.
The postprints section of the Icon website was designed as a permanent home for Group postprints, which could be uploaded in a consistent look and style.
Once you have submitted your event it takes 2-4 business days for the event to be listed on the website. Please note that events are managed by a team of staff who work in Membership, Professional Development and Communication and therefore are juggling their own tasks while actioning events for Groups/Networks. Icon staff work part-time and during busy periods there may be a delay in listing events.
The event will appear on the calendar as below. It is important to include a short and catchy summary/teaser which will entice members to click through to your event page:
The event page appears as below. Within the ‘main content’ field you can include speaker profiles, images and detailed information on the event. There is also a ‘sidebar content’ field which can contain further details not relating to the main content/event description.
For Zoom Webinars/Meetings, you can always see the total number of attendees when viewing the bottom of the Webinar/Meeting under the 'Manage Attendees' section where it says 'Approved' for those attending and 'Denied' for cancellations.
For Zoom Webinars a reminder email with the link to join can be sent 1 week, 1 day and 1 hour before events. To schedule this, go into the Webinar and click the 'Email Settings' tab. Within that section you will see a line saying "No reminder email to Attendees and Panelists" click edit next to this line and tick all or a selection of the reminders you would like to be sent to attendees.
Please email [email protected] if your Zoom session is a Meeting as we must schedule in a manual reminder for these.
Prior to running your event, please email [email protected] to ensure the option to record your event is switched on.
Once your event has ended, you will find the recordings on the Zoom account here. All committees must download and edit their event before providing it to the Events Team for uploading to the YouTube account.
For a Zoom webinar, locate the session on our account and under 'Invite panelists' click 'import from csv'. On an excel spreadsheet you will need to put the email address in one column and the full name in another column and then save the spreadsheet as a CSV file and upload to this prompt on Zoom. It will then send an invitiation to the Speaker.
For Zoom Meetings, these Speakers need to be added in as attendees via Eventfolio. Please email [email protected] with the full name and email address of your Speaker.
Note: we do not provide Speakers with our login details to the Icon Zoom account.