Icon Accreditation Fair Access Policy

Ensuring fair and equal access to Icon Accreditation

22 May 2023

Icon recognises that all assessments undertaken as part of the delivery of Icon Accreditation are fair and open to all regardless of of any disability, access requirements or other personal circumstances outside of thier control that are likely to prevent them from being fairly assessed. 

Our 'Fair Access Policy' details the process by which Icon facilitates access to Icon Accreditation to those who are eligible for reasonable adjustments or special considerations in assessments, without compromising the assessment of the skills, knowledge, understanding or competence being measured.

Reasonable Adjustments: An adjustment made to an assessment so as to enable a disababled or neurodivergent candidate to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and understanding to the levels of attainment required by the specification for that qualification.

Special Considerations: Consideration to be given to a candidate who has temporarily experienced an illness or injury, or some other event outside of their control, which has, or is reasonably likely to have, materially affected the candidate’s ability to take an assessment, or to demonstrate their level of attainment in an assessment.

<<Click here to view the Icon Accreditation Fair Access Policy>>

Making a fair access request

If you believe you need to raise a request under this policy or have any questions, please complete the form below and email it to [email protected].

Our Accreditation Manager will then get in touch to discuss your particular access requirements and to to talk you through the process.

Any information you share with us at this stage is kept strictly confidential.