Help us celebrate the European Day of Conservation Restoration

The European Day of Conservation Restoration will take place on 11 October 2020, with activity across the week.

30 Sep 2020

For the 3rd consecutive year, E.C.C.O. (European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers' Organisations) is calling on Conservator-Restorers from all around Europe to open their “virtual doors” to the public and present their work and projects to the public.

The event aims to raise awareness of the key role of conservation-restoration in safeguarding cultural heritage and to share knowledge of the complex activity of the distinct profession.

Icon will be participating on social media by sharing the work of conservators throughout the week starting 5 October. 

Want to join in? Simply post your content - stories, thoughts, photos, videos etc. - on your social media channels using the hashtag #EuropeanDayConservationRestoration.

Help us celebrate the impact conservation can have, and the ways it helps us understand our past, present and future. Become an Icon member today! 

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