
Getting on Board with Icon

An opportunity for members to hear about what it’s like to be on the Board of Trustees and to ask any questions ahead of this year's elections

Join us for an informal drop-in session where you will hear what it's like to be part of Icon's Board of Trustees and why it matters.

The session will start with a welcome and introduction by Sara Crofts, Icon's Chief Executive. We will then have a series of 3-4 five-minute presentations from existing Trustees sharing a few reflections about their experience of being on the Board and what it means to be a Trustee, followed by an open Q&A session. There’s no such thing as a silly question – we’re keen to give members an opportunity to ask anything they like and we’ll try to answer.

Please feel free to drop in at any time and stay as long as you want.

Are you an Emerging Professional?

There will be a reserved seat for an Emerging Professional in this year’s elections to the Board of Trustees. This is a new initiative, which has been introduced as a result of the work being undertaken by the Board’s Diversity and Inclusion Task and Finish Group.

Any member beginning a career in heritage preservation or conservation who is undertaking relevant training; or is a current student member; or any member who is within the first five years of work experience in any aspect of heritage preservation and conservation may stand for the reserved seat for an Emerging Professional.

The Board of Trustees hope that by introducing this reserved seat they will diversify the range of voices on the Board and bring fresh perspectives to our strategic decision-making.

James Grierson talks about the new reserved seat for emerging professionals

Since becoming Chair of Icon I have welcomed the opportunity to engage with our student and Emerging Professionals Network members.  It’s been hugely interesting and encouraging to hear from such impressive and committed people in the early stages of their conservation journeys. Your passion for conservation and your creative-thinking and initiative is clear, but it is also clear that these are quite uncertain times, with many members facing significant hurdles as they settle into their chosen career.  So, it seems particularly important that your perspectives are available to the Board of Trustees as we tackle the future’s many challenges and opportunities.

For this reason the Board of Trustees has decided to create a reserved seat on the Board for a trustee who is a student member or a member of the Emerging Professionals Network.  This will be a three-year elected appointment and the successful person will be able to stand for a second three-year term if they wish.  In recognition of the time commitment involved for someone who may not yet be earning, or be earning a modest salary, we have decided that their membership fees will be waived for the duration of their appointment.

We’re aware that many early-stage conservation professionals will not have considered standing as an Icon trustee, and may be unfamiliar with what it involves or may worry about their lack of experience.  Be assured, however, that it’s the different perspective that an early-stage professional can bring that is the overriding purpose of this initiative.

So, if you fit the bill, please consider standing for the reserved seat for an Emerging Professional.  This will be a stimulating opportunity to expand your understanding and experience, to build your CV and networks, and to play a valuable role in working with the other trustees to help shape the future of your organisation.

Finally, it is important to say that this initiative as just one step towards making Icon and the conservation profession more diverse, more inclusive and more representative of the society we serve. Our Diversity and Inclusion Task and Finish Group are currently working hard to develop further ideas that we hope to share with the membership shortly.

James Grierson