CEx Drop-in Session - August 2022

Join Sara Crofts, Chief Executive at Icon, for a lunch time drop-in session on the third Friday of every month.

At the beginning of last year we tried an experiment where we set up ‘Chief Executive’s Surgery’ meetings, with the intention that Icon members could drop in to offer ideas, share concerns, ask questions and engage in a conversation. It’s fair to say that, although the conversations were lively and interesting, the number of people joining was quite low. But now that everyone is more comfortable with online meetings we thought we'd try again.

So, in early 2021, we launched these monthly lunchtime ‘drop in sessions’ which will usually take place on the third Friday in the month.

We're interested to hear about your experiences and to understand more about the issues that members face in their workplaces. We’d also welcome ideas or suggestions for actions that Icon can take to support the conservation profession.

There won’t be a formal agenda, please feel free to bring up any topic you wish. So, if there’s something that you’d like to share with us over a lunchtime chat please grab your mince pies and a cup of coffee and join in.