16 Nov 2021

Take part in Icon's income and salary survey 2021

Help us to develop our understanding of salaries and income levels across the conservation sector

Icon is undertaking salary and income benchmarking allowing us to develop a clear picture of the remuneration of professional conservators across different employment types, job roles and areas of conservation practice across the UK. 

Conservation salary and income benchmarking forms a core part of our wider Labour Market Intelligence which aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the state of the conservation labour market in 2021. 

This is where we need you to take part in our 'Conservation Income and Salaries Survey' to help give us a picture of income across levels the conservation profession.

The survey has been designed to suit both employed and self-employed conservation professionals. The survey is completely confidential, asking for no personal identifiable information and should only take around 15 minutes to complete.

The outcomes of this research will be discussed at a roundtable event in early 2022 where we will bring together key stakeholders to review the data and identify who is best placed to take forward the issues raised through the survey. 

Link to Survey: Icon Conservation Income and Salaries Survey 2021

Deadline: Please complete the survey by 13th December 2021 at 23:59.

If you have any questions please get in touch with Patrick Whife at [email protected]