To mark National Freelancer's Day and to demonstrate our commitment to supporting our freelance members, Icon is celebrating the hard work of all self employed and freelance conservators.
Conservation preserves cultural heritage, facilitating public access and enjoyment and
enabling cultural heritage to maximise its economic and social value
Museums and art galleries are closed but inside their walls, a select few people are busy at work. Curators, conservators, cleaners, art handlers and security guards are among those caring for the nation's treasures during lockdown.
#FMJSummit will take place from 23rd to 29th November this year. It is being organised by Fair Museums Jobs in partnership with Group for Education in Museums (GEM) and supported by Art Fund.
Amidst global shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) like the P95 masks that have dominated the news, conservators all over the world are donating their stocks to local hospitals.