Icon24 Care of Collections Group - CCG Bitesize: Learning to Train Others

The Icon Care of Collections Group will be running a series of bitesize lunchtime webinars as part of Icon24. 

The first event will delivered by Jane Thompson-Webb ACR, the Conservation Team Leader of Birmingham Museum Trust who will be giving a short talk on how to train other heritage professionals and ensure they understand the importance of conservation practice. 

Jane Thompson-Webb ACR

Chair, Icon Care of Collections Group

An Accredited Conservator, Jane graduated in Archaeological Conservation from Cardiff University in 1992. After a spell as a self-employed object conservator, including working on geological specimens, she moved into Collection Care.

In 2002, she became the conservator on the project to relocate Birmingham’s science and industry collection of 40,000 objects ranging from pen nibs to drop hammers. In 2003, she became a Conservator (Preventive) at Birmingham Museum Trust and is now Conservation Team Leader. In this post, she is responsible for collection care across Birmingham’s 9 sites. She began a programme of training and advice on collection care for museums in the West Midlands under the Renaissance in the Regions Scheme and training is still one of the more enjoyable parts of the job. The best bit of the job is IPM and Jane is never happier than when she is staring at insects down a microscope.