What does it mean to ‘perform’ an object? Can we perform objects without the need for direct physical interventions and material change; and should we?
The Dynamic Objects Group presents Perspectives on Performative Objects from three acclaimed and widely experienced speakers; Dr Jules Pelta Feldman, Elliot Colinge and Kit Haigh. This open-to-all, free-to-attend on-line event brings together three perspectives that will challenge and inspire.
Jules Pelta Feldman will discuss concepts of loss and damage as they relate to performance and what they call 'performative objects'. They will draw on research into ritual, performance, contemporary art, and heritage studies in order to draw out functional paradigms for conserving performance. The focus is on seeing performance as a means of conservation, rather than an inherent threat to it.
Elliot Colinge will talk about how ‘digital twins’ of dynamic heritage objects can be used to amplify interpretation and prevent patterns of degradation caused by use and restoration/maintenance techniques required for functionality. He will explain some of the process of creating 3d animations of objects, and how this can be incorporated into conservation practice, and will discuss the implications of AI for the field.
Kit Haigh will describe how he used his experience as a composer and music technologist to non-invasively record the sounds of antique instruments that are conserved in an ‘unplayable’ condition at The Bowes Museum, and created a permanent musical installation enabling visitors to experience the instruments playing an ever-changing, contemplative soundscape which animates the gallery.